Friday, November 5, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI: Believers Are Pilgrims on Their Way Towards Eternity

"The month of November draws its special spiritual tone from the two days with which it opens: the Solemnity of All Saints and the Commemoration of all the faithful departed. The mystery of the communion of saints illumines this month and the whole of the last part of the liturgical year in particular, directing our meditation to the earthly destiny of man in the light of Christ's Pasch. In it is founded that hope which, as St Paul said, is such that it "will not leave us disappointed" (cf. Rom 5: 5)."

"The great family of the Church finds in these days a time of grace and lives them, in accordance with her vocation, gathered closely around the Lord in prayer and offering his redeeming Sacrifice for the repose of the deceased faithful."

~ Pope Benedict XVI:  Excerpts from Homily at Mass for Deceased Cardinals and Bishops, 2005 ~

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